28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Saturday 1 May 2010

Day 7- Doctor Who

Who else is loving the new Doctor Who? I've never seen it up until two week's ago because I've never really been interested in it. But I'm REALLY into it now. It's surprisingly good and much better than I thought.

Also Matt Smith is great as the new doctor, don't you think? He has some acting talent and he's really made the character his own, instead of copying David Tennant's Doctor. I bet he's surprised he didn't get any hate comments from viewers when he first appeared as the new doctor. All he got was praise and that's rare for someone who's taking over from another actor who the people loved as that character.

And I can't wait to see next Saturday's episode. It's about vampires! Yes! I absolutely love vampires! It should be a good episode. It looks good and I will give you my thoughts on it once I've seen it. Watch this space!


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