28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Saturday 22 May 2010

Day 27- Doctor Who

Here it is, the penultimate post, and like I promised, it's not about Tsubasa Chronicle.

No, like the title says it's about Doctor Who. Yes I got to watch it this week and it was another great episode tonight.

I just can't get over how great Matt Smith is as the Doctor. He seems to be the only reason why I watch it every Saturday because he is such a great actor and a great Doctor. He's definately made the character his own.

It's strange how I've never watched Doctor Who before, because I wasn't interested in it, but now can't stop watching it. And I think Matt has something to do with that. He steals the screen in every scene he's in and really makes the show worth watching if you ask me.

Karen Gillian is good too as Amy Pond. In fact all the actors are, but Matt just has that special something about him that makes him great to watch.


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