28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Day 10- Three In A Bed

What's up with all these reality TV shows that are very, very similar to Come Dine With Me on Channel 4? I mean I was watching Three In A Bed tonight and all the way through it I kept on thinking how it's sooooo much like Come Dine With Me. It's like Coach Trip; that's the same sort of thing. But none of them will be as good as Come Dine With Me.

Come Dine With Me is brilliant, especially the celebrity specials! But this Three In A Bed (they could have chosen a better title, don't you think?) was actually alright. But not in the slightest bit original and those two women (can't remember their names) that owned that B & B in Great Yarmouth really got on my nerves. They were full of themselves and I hate people like that. And you always seem to get those types in these reality TV shows.

But I think I will stick to watching Come Dine With Me because not only is it better than Three In A Bed, but it's also a hell of a lot more interesting and half the time it's really funny too. If you've never seen it, I seriously suggest you check it out.


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