28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Day 24- Cardcaptors

Yes, I'm afraid it's another anime post tonight. I've been so busy doing my case study for uni that I haven't really watched much TV today; only this and even then it was only one episode. I wanted to watch more but uni work got in the way, as always! (not fair!)

Anyway, I have seen it before, as I said in my other post. I've watched all 3 seasons and the two films but because I love it so much, I just had to watch the episode that was on today. However, it was in English and so obviously wasn't as good as the Japanese ones I've been watching.

I actually realise now how much the English version has cut out compared to CardCaptor Sakura (the Japanese version) They cut out nearly all the best scenes and the love scenes between Sakura and Shaoron (who, as you already know, I love. They're the cutest anime couple ever!) It was quite disappointing just how much they cut out.

And the voices didn't match the characters either compared to the orginal Japanese version. Sakura and Shaoron are supposed to be kids, so then why do they have adult voices in the English version? Couldn't the voice actors have made their voices suit the characters better and made them sound more like school children?

And then there's the script. They changed that too, but really should have stuck to the Japnese script if you ask me. The lines in the English/American script are downright corny. Or so I think.

If I hadn't watched the original version of CardCaptor Sakura than I probably would have enjoyed Carcaptors. But take it from me, all anime cartoons sound much, much, much better in their original Japanese forms and it's only after watching a whole anime series in Japenese that I realise that.


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