28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Friday 14 May 2010

Day 19- Britain's Got Talent

Now, I don't usually watch TV talent shows (because I hate them) but I watched a bit of Britain's Got Talent tonight (repeat from Saturday) and it reminded me why I don't like watching TV talent shows. (Sorry to any Britain's Got Talent fans out there)

It's embarrassing to see people make a complete fool of themselves. I mean, there is some decent talent on the show. I've watched it before and there's been some good ones, like Diversity for instance. But they never seem to show the good ones. They always show the bad ones. Has anyone else noticed this?

We never get to see the talented auditionees. All they show are the ones who are obviously not talented and you know why. Because it boosts ratings. That's why. The public seem to love watching people embarrass themselves on TV. But not me.

To be honest, I would actually watch one of the many talent shows on TV today if they showed the talented ones and not the rubbish ones.

But hey, that's just me.


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