28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Day 23- Tsubasa Chronicle (Anime TV series)

Another anime post for you today. If you don't watch anime then you'll have no idea about what I'm talking about, but for those of you who do, then hopefully you will enjoy this post.

I only got into Tsubasa Chronicle after watching all 3 seasons of Card Captor Sakura (yes, the original Japanese version with subtitles, not the English version CardCaptors which you've probably heard of) because I heard it has alot of the characters from Card Captor Sakura in it and I love Sakura and Shaoron from Card Captors.

So, I decided to give Tsubasa Chronicle a go and though it takes place in a whole new world and the characters have different personalities, I'm really hooked on it. The atmostphere is so different to that of Card Captor Sakura and the story line is interesting. There are also a few twists to it too and so far it's really, really good.

For anyone who likes watching anime tv series, I recommend watching Tsubasa Chronicle if you haven't already. And you don't even need to watch all 3 seasons of Card Captor Sakura to understand what's going on. It's a whole different story with the same characters in a different world and it's really good.

If you like anime, you'll enjoy it because I absolutely love anime (as you've probably figured out by now) and I'm totally loving the series at the moment.


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