28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Friday 21 May 2010

Day 26- Tsubasa Chronicle

Yes, I'm afraid it is another anime post. (The 2 more to come won't be, I promise)

I just can't stop watching Tsubasa Chronicle. It's sooooo good! Not as good as Card Captor Sakura, but still brilliant! And I think it helps that the characters from Card Captor Sakura are in it (just with different personalities) because I loved all the characters in that series.

I know I'm not the only person who loves anime. A lot of people do and I know why. It's because they know how to draw. Almost all of the boys - whether they're in an anime series or film - are most of them sooooo gorgeous and unbelievably attractive.

I doubt I'm the only one who thinks this. I mean in this series, Tsubasa Chronicle, Syaoran is absolutely gorgeous and Kurogane's not bad looking either. (Yes, I know they're animated but I don't care! They're so amazingly good looking!)

But I totally loved the Shaoran in Card Captor Sakura. Always blushing when he saw Sakura or when she smiled at him. You don't get many characters who act like that -shy and embarrassed (especially not boys) and that's why his character in Card Captor Sakura will always be my favourite.

Well, let's be honest, it's where I fell in love with him to start with.


Note: The picture on the top right is Shaoran in Card Captor Sakura and the picture on the bottom left is of Syaoran (supposedly Sakura and Shaoran's son) in Tsubasa Chronicle.

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