28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Saturday 15 May 2010

Day 20- E24

First off, I know I promised I would post about the new Doctor Who episode tonight, but I've been so busy doing my assignments and work for uni that I missed it. And it's not fair, because I had been really looking forward to watching it. But unfortunately uni work comes first (though very soon it won't when I graduate)

So, tonight I'm going to post about the segment on the BBC news channel E24. For those who don't watch it, it stands for Entertainment 24 and as the name suggests, it covers all the recent film, music and entertainment news.

It's a really good programme (or segment) for movie fans, like me, even though it only lasts for fifteen minutes.

Anyway, today they were reporting on the Cannes Film Festival (which started last week or this week. I'm not actually sure when) but it made me think that one day I could be there reporting on the event and talking to all the celebs. And if I work hard and graduate and get a job in the magazine industry then it might actually happen.

But even if it doesn't, one day I'm going to go there just to see what it's like and so I know what I'm missing out on lol!

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