28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Monday 3 May 2010

Day 9- Glee

It's Monday night and you know what that means. Yes, it's Glee night! But tonight's episode was disappointing. It wasn't as good as usual. I mean there wasn't one single dance number and that's one of the things I love about Glee!

But the songs were good, even if they weren't that popular or well known. But tonight's episode was a little bit too poignant for me and really just seemed like a filler.

In just one episode it touched on so many poignant subjects which is rare for Glee. I don't remember it ever being so deep and moving since it started.

I was also surprised that Rachel and Jesse StJames didn't have a part in tonight's episode. They were there in the background but never said anything which was quite annoying because usually they have a big part and though I'm not keen on Rachel (sorry to any Rachel lovers out there) I do like Jesse and I wish he had a much bigger part, don't you? I mean his character is such a great one. I hope he gets more screen time in the coming weeks and that there are A LOT more dance numbers with awesome choreography. Don't you agree?


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