28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Sunday 23 May 2010

Day 28- The Last Ever Post

Well, this is it. The final post of this blog!

I hope those of you who have read it enjoyed my many ramblings. I've enjoyed it too, though it's been hard trying to find programmes to watch.

I hope I've given you a variety of shows during this blog, as that was what I promised when I first started. But most importantly, I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope I've recommended programmes to you that you wouldn't have thought of watching before.


Saturday 22 May 2010

Day 27- Doctor Who

Here it is, the penultimate post, and like I promised, it's not about Tsubasa Chronicle.

No, like the title says it's about Doctor Who. Yes I got to watch it this week and it was another great episode tonight.

I just can't get over how great Matt Smith is as the Doctor. He seems to be the only reason why I watch it every Saturday because he is such a great actor and a great Doctor. He's definately made the character his own.

It's strange how I've never watched Doctor Who before, because I wasn't interested in it, but now can't stop watching it. And I think Matt has something to do with that. He steals the screen in every scene he's in and really makes the show worth watching if you ask me.

Karen Gillian is good too as Amy Pond. In fact all the actors are, but Matt just has that special something about him that makes him great to watch.


Friday 21 May 2010

Day 26- Tsubasa Chronicle

Yes, I'm afraid it is another anime post. (The 2 more to come won't be, I promise)

I just can't stop watching Tsubasa Chronicle. It's sooooo good! Not as good as Card Captor Sakura, but still brilliant! And I think it helps that the characters from Card Captor Sakura are in it (just with different personalities) because I loved all the characters in that series.

I know I'm not the only person who loves anime. A lot of people do and I know why. It's because they know how to draw. Almost all of the boys - whether they're in an anime series or film - are most of them sooooo gorgeous and unbelievably attractive.

I doubt I'm the only one who thinks this. I mean in this series, Tsubasa Chronicle, Syaoran is absolutely gorgeous and Kurogane's not bad looking either. (Yes, I know they're animated but I don't care! They're so amazingly good looking!)

But I totally loved the Shaoran in Card Captor Sakura. Always blushing when he saw Sakura or when she smiled at him. You don't get many characters who act like that -shy and embarrassed (especially not boys) and that's why his character in Card Captor Sakura will always be my favourite.

Well, let's be honest, it's where I fell in love with him to start with.


Note: The picture on the top right is Shaoran in Card Captor Sakura and the picture on the bottom left is of Syaoran (supposedly Sakura and Shaoran's son) in Tsubasa Chronicle.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Day 25- The Simpsons

Well, I'm nearing the end of my blog. Only three days left. I actually can't believe it's almost over.

And what is this post going to be on I hear you ask?

Well, like yesterday I haven't had a chance to watch much TV seeing as I've been at uni all day. But I did manage to catch The Simpsons and it was another great episode from season 3 (yes I know which episodes go with which season because I've got every one of them on DVD up to season 11 and have watched them countless times over and over again.)

But that's the good thing about The Simpsons. You can watch all these "classic" episodes over and over again and never get bored of them. It's hard for me to say this about the new ones. I can only watch them once and even then I don't laugh at many of the jokes. They're not worth watching twice (or at least I don't think so. You may think differently though.) This is only my opinion remember.

Anyway, I hope when they finish showing season 3 on Channel 4, they'll show season 4 and then season 5 etc because it saves me having to get out my DVDs to watch all the "classic" episodes.

And as I'm so into The Simpsons, you're probably wondering what my favourite episodes are. If not, I'll tell you anyway.

I have a number of favourites (most of them from old seasons.)

The first one is "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish" from season 2 (the one where Homer thinks he's going to die from food poisoning after eating poison at the new shushi restaurant in Springfield.)

The second is "Marge Be Not Proud" from season 7 (the one where Bart is caught shoplifting the new BoneStorm video game he desperately wants but is not allowed to have) and the third one has to be the one that was on today "Homer Alone" from season 3 (the one where Marge has a nervous breakdown and goes on vacation to Rancho Relaxo leaving Homer to look after Maggie.)

There are many more episodes that I love but I would be here all day if I listed them all.

But the ones I've listed are my all time favourites and I can watch them over and over again and still laugh my head off at the jokes.

Anyway, until tomorrow, when it will be my last ever post (gasp!) I'll leave you with a quote from tonight's Simpsons episode, which always makes me laugh.

"Remember, you can't spell Relaxo without relax"


Wednesday 19 May 2010

Day 24- Cardcaptors

Yes, I'm afraid it's another anime post tonight. I've been so busy doing my case study for uni that I haven't really watched much TV today; only this and even then it was only one episode. I wanted to watch more but uni work got in the way, as always! (not fair!)

Anyway, I have seen it before, as I said in my other post. I've watched all 3 seasons and the two films but because I love it so much, I just had to watch the episode that was on today. However, it was in English and so obviously wasn't as good as the Japanese ones I've been watching.

I actually realise now how much the English version has cut out compared to CardCaptor Sakura (the Japanese version) They cut out nearly all the best scenes and the love scenes between Sakura and Shaoron (who, as you already know, I love. They're the cutest anime couple ever!) It was quite disappointing just how much they cut out.

And the voices didn't match the characters either compared to the orginal Japanese version. Sakura and Shaoron are supposed to be kids, so then why do they have adult voices in the English version? Couldn't the voice actors have made their voices suit the characters better and made them sound more like school children?

And then there's the script. They changed that too, but really should have stuck to the Japnese script if you ask me. The lines in the English/American script are downright corny. Or so I think.

If I hadn't watched the original version of CardCaptor Sakura than I probably would have enjoyed Carcaptors. But take it from me, all anime cartoons sound much, much, much better in their original Japanese forms and it's only after watching a whole anime series in Japenese that I realise that.


Tuesday 18 May 2010

Day 23- Tsubasa Chronicle (Anime TV series)

Another anime post for you today. If you don't watch anime then you'll have no idea about what I'm talking about, but for those of you who do, then hopefully you will enjoy this post.

I only got into Tsubasa Chronicle after watching all 3 seasons of Card Captor Sakura (yes, the original Japanese version with subtitles, not the English version CardCaptors which you've probably heard of) because I heard it has alot of the characters from Card Captor Sakura in it and I love Sakura and Shaoron from Card Captors.

So, I decided to give Tsubasa Chronicle a go and though it takes place in a whole new world and the characters have different personalities, I'm really hooked on it. The atmostphere is so different to that of Card Captor Sakura and the story line is interesting. There are also a few twists to it too and so far it's really, really good.

For anyone who likes watching anime tv series, I recommend watching Tsubasa Chronicle if you haven't already. And you don't even need to watch all 3 seasons of Card Captor Sakura to understand what's going on. It's a whole different story with the same characters in a different world and it's really good.

If you like anime, you'll enjoy it because I absolutely love anime (as you've probably figured out by now) and I'm totally loving the series at the moment.


Monday 17 May 2010

Day 22- Glee

Glee seems to be getting better and better every week. I mean the songs are improving (there were quite a few good and easily recognisible ones in tonight's episode) and so are the characters.
It's really like a soap opera with all the deep and poignant character substories and plot lines but with music and dance numbers added in. That's basically what it is in a nutshell.

And though tonight's episode was good, it wasn't as good as last week's, I don't think. I still enjoyed it though and was glad that the others in the Glee club got to sing solos like Kirk, Finn and Puck/Noah.

Kirk even got to sing two solos and talking about Kirk, I can't believe how versatile he is as an actor. I mean, he can change his singing voice from feminine to masculine so easily - as he showed last night - and if that doesn't show talent as an actor, I don't know what does. I was really impressed with his singing and acting this week (but then all of them impress me each week with their amazing acting and singing skills).

I really don't know how they managed to find all these gifted young actors somehow (or even the actors who play the teachers for that matter). They must have gone to the lenghts of the earth to find them because they're all just too good and it's not that easy to find such a talented group of actors who can sing, act and dance all in one.
