28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Monday 26 April 2010

Day 3- Divided

Who likes the gameshow Divided on ITV1? I know I certainly do. It's a brilliant show and really original.

I managed to watch it today (or at least the last 45 minutes of it) and like with all gameshows I watch, if I know the answer and the contestants don't, I'm always shouting it at the screen. Especially when it's a really obvious answer too! Stupid I know because they can't hear me. But it's really hard to just sit there and watch them figure it out when the answer is so obvious.

Eggheads on BBC 2 is another game show I LOVE watching and try my best to catch when it's on and so is Pointless, also on BBC 2. Yes, I'm mad about gameshows. But I doubt I'm the only one.Why do I always watch them? Because I love testing out my general knowledge and seeing how much I know (which sometimes isn't alot) But I did manage to get alot of answers right on Eggheads tonight and I was really pleased with myself. Perhaps I do know more than I think I do.


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