28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Day 2- The 6 O'Clock News

What's with the six o'clock news now? All they talk about is elections, elections, elections and for someone who's not particulalry interested in politics, it's boring! Yeah, I know it's an important election this year, but do we really need to hear what Labour, the Tories and the LibDems are doing every day? I don't think so. I don't really want to know what they're doing everyday. We only really need to hear about the most important parts of their campaign and their manifestos.

But unfortunately this is what we'll be hearing about every day right up until the election. And to be honest, I'll be glad when it's finally over and the news goes back to what it was; reporting on stories that matter and which are interesting.

The jokes on The Simpsons tonight had me in stitches! I've seen tonight's episode quite a few times, where Homer becomes a truck driver, but it doesn't matter how many times I watch it. I always laugh my head off sometimes all the way through and couldn't stop laughing at that heimlich manouvre scene where she slips on that piece of meat having just been saved from choking. It was laugh out loud funny! The jokes never get old!

And as a non-lover of politics, I love it when The Simpsons take the mick out of elections and presidents, particularly Bill Clinton, America's ex-president, who appears quite a few times on the show. It shows the creators of the show don't take their politics too seriously, unlike us who hardly make fun of our British goverment in sitcoms or comedies. The only real programme on TV at the moment, that takes the mick out of the Governement, is Have I Got News For You? But I think there should be more programmes, like The Simpsons, who are not afraid to make fun of British politics. Who else agrees with me? We take politics too seriously in this country.


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