28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Day 4- The One Show

Anyone watch The One Show? I only watch it occassionally (actually I think I've only watched it twice) But it watched the first half of it today, only because they were talking about that song I had completely forgotten the title of and have been looking for ever since (Young At Heart by the Bluebells).

If I hadn't watched the election broadcast from the Green Party beforehand, I would have missed it.

And that's another thing. How many more party election broadcasts are there going to be? It was the British National Party yesterday and the Lib Dems last week. Today it was the Green Party. Yeah, like they have a chance of winning. Their party election broadcast was poorly done compared to the British National Party's broadcast. Their's was really well written. But the Green Party's didn't really do anything for me or make me even consider voting for them.


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