28 Days Of British TV

TV will never be the same again! This blog seeks to comment on the many programmes on TV today. Expect comments and opinions galore!

Friday 30 April 2010

Day 6- Glee

Watched Glee again tonight! I've watched it ever since it started (every Monday on E4) and it's now the highlight of the week for me!

It's such a brilliant show! And it's getting better and better every week. The songs are great. I really loved the Madonna episode tonight. Especially the Vogue video they recreated with Sue Sylvester. God that was good. It must have taken them days of filming and planning.

In a way, Glee is alot like the 80's hit tv show Fame. It's becoming as big as that was in the 80s but for a new generation and I think that's good. It makes a change for them to grow up with something good and not that High School Musical rubbish which I honestly can't stand!


Thursday 29 April 2010

Day 5- Prime Ministerial Debate

Who else watched the election debate tonight? Yes, I know I've told you I'm not interested in politics, but this election is becoming interesting and I thought I would watch the debate tonight to see how Gordon Brown acts after his gaffe yesterday.

But it was extremely interesting. I think Nick Clegg did really well again! He actually answered the questions unlike Brown and Cameron who went off on tangents.

And did anyone else love the way that David Cameron was always ignoring Gordon Brown when it was Brown's turn to answer the question. He didn't look at him once, until about half way through. It seeemed to me like he was uninterested in what Gordon Brown had to say (and to be honest, who wouldn't be?).

And what was with Brown always saying 'It's the same Tory government'? Did anyone else notice that? How in almost all his answers, when he criticised the Tories, he made this comment. What is he trying to prove? Does he actually think that will help and people will vote for him and not the Tories? There's no way Labour are going to win next Thursday. In fact I don't think any of them are going to get a majority. I have a feeling the final result is going to be a hung parliament (though it's not good, I just can't see there being one outright winner).

Oh, and in case your wondering, I won't be voting on Thursday. Why? Well because there's no one I want to vote for really. None of them are any good in my opinion. But hey, don't let that put the rest of you off voting on Thursday.


Tuesday 27 April 2010

Day 4- The One Show

Anyone watch The One Show? I only watch it occassionally (actually I think I've only watched it twice) But it watched the first half of it today, only because they were talking about that song I had completely forgotten the title of and have been looking for ever since (Young At Heart by the Bluebells).

If I hadn't watched the election broadcast from the Green Party beforehand, I would have missed it.

And that's another thing. How many more party election broadcasts are there going to be? It was the British National Party yesterday and the Lib Dems last week. Today it was the Green Party. Yeah, like they have a chance of winning. Their party election broadcast was poorly done compared to the British National Party's broadcast. Their's was really well written. But the Green Party's didn't really do anything for me or make me even consider voting for them.


Monday 26 April 2010

Day 3- Divided

Who likes the gameshow Divided on ITV1? I know I certainly do. It's a brilliant show and really original.

I managed to watch it today (or at least the last 45 minutes of it) and like with all gameshows I watch, if I know the answer and the contestants don't, I'm always shouting it at the screen. Especially when it's a really obvious answer too! Stupid I know because they can't hear me. But it's really hard to just sit there and watch them figure it out when the answer is so obvious.

Eggheads on BBC 2 is another game show I LOVE watching and try my best to catch when it's on and so is Pointless, also on BBC 2. Yes, I'm mad about gameshows. But I doubt I'm the only one.Why do I always watch them? Because I love testing out my general knowledge and seeing how much I know (which sometimes isn't alot) But I did manage to get alot of answers right on Eggheads tonight and I was really pleased with myself. Perhaps I do know more than I think I do.


Thursday 22 April 2010

Day 2- The 6 O'Clock News

What's with the six o'clock news now? All they talk about is elections, elections, elections and for someone who's not particulalry interested in politics, it's boring! Yeah, I know it's an important election this year, but do we really need to hear what Labour, the Tories and the LibDems are doing every day? I don't think so. I don't really want to know what they're doing everyday. We only really need to hear about the most important parts of their campaign and their manifestos.

But unfortunately this is what we'll be hearing about every day right up until the election. And to be honest, I'll be glad when it's finally over and the news goes back to what it was; reporting on stories that matter and which are interesting.

The jokes on The Simpsons tonight had me in stitches! I've seen tonight's episode quite a few times, where Homer becomes a truck driver, but it doesn't matter how many times I watch it. I always laugh my head off sometimes all the way through and couldn't stop laughing at that heimlich manouvre scene where she slips on that piece of meat having just been saved from choking. It was laugh out loud funny! The jokes never get old!

And as a non-lover of politics, I love it when The Simpsons take the mick out of elections and presidents, particularly Bill Clinton, America's ex-president, who appears quite a few times on the show. It shows the creators of the show don't take their politics too seriously, unlike us who hardly make fun of our British goverment in sitcoms or comedies. The only real programme on TV at the moment, that takes the mick out of the Governement, is Have I Got News For You? But I think there should be more programmes, like The Simpsons, who are not afraid to make fun of British politics. Who else agrees with me? We take politics too seriously in this country.


Day 1 Welcome

Welcome to my blog; all about the world of TV and nothing else!

For the next 28 days, I am going to be posting my thoughts on TV programmes I have watched during the day and commenting on whether I enjoyed them or not.

I watch a whole variety of TV shows (or at least try to inbetween doing my assignments and uni work) but I don't end up watching that many. However, for this blog I am going to watch as many programmes as I can so my blog doesn't end up being boring! You don't want to read a boring blog, do you? I mean, who wants to read something like that?

So, I hope you enjoy reading this blog!
